Delivery Formats

After the payment process completed, the report will be delivered within 12 to 24 working hours if report is readily available or off shelf after the quality check, in case of custom report will be delivered in promised timeline by the any of our representative PDF, Excel, PPT Or Cloud Access format, whatever the license client ordered, will deliver the same to the client’s email address, of receipt of payment.
In case the client opts for hard copies, they have to pay delivery charges levied by us, which vary according to the client’s location. Allied Market Research takes no responsibility if the report when collected is not in good condition or for any damage during shipment of goods. Only the publisher is liable to decide whether to make the replacement with no extra cost.

There are two types of reports AMR offers: syndicated and customized. Syndicated reports contain the data, statistics, and information as per our standard TOC format; while customized reports are developed based on specific requirements of a client. For clients requiring customized reports, you need to agree to the customized TOC before making the final payment. Following this, we will start working on your requirements and deliver the report in the formats you had already paid for.  
It should be noted that once we finalize the TOC for customized requirements, we will deliver the same within given timeline. However, if there are additional requirements after finalization, the client needs to pay an additional cost as per the added requirements. 


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