A power electronic module or power module acts as a physical container for the storage of several power components, usually power semiconductor devices. These power semiconductors (which are also referred as dies) are conventionally sintered (sometimes soldered) on a power electronic substrate, which carries the power semiconductors, provides electrical & thermal contact and insulation, wherever required. Packaging of these devices is of crucial importance. Power module packaging provides electrical interconnections, thermal management, and mechanical support for these semiconductor devices. In addition, it offers insand-outs and protection for the power module. Packaging of power modules is done by several methodologies such as precision metal stamping, complex molding, specialty plating, and custom assembly.
Currently, power devices such as wide band gap (WBG) are directing the development of power electronics, and numerous advancements have been observed for semiconductor power devices. Power module packaging is beneficial not only to microelectronics, but to higher power modules as well. The market growth is driven by reduction in wastage of energy, use of efficient distributed cooling schemes, reduction in footprint, and consequent increase in power density. However, caution should be exercised regarding the implementation of such a scheme and the ramifications power module packaging may have on the overall system performance. Common failure in a power module caused by thermal cycling and mismatch of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) results in layers to detach one from the other, thus restraining the market.
The power module packaging market is segmented based on type, industry vertical, application, and region. On the basis of type, it is classified into GaN module, SiC module, FET module, IGBT module, and thyristors. On the basis of industry vertical, the market is classified into IT, consumer, automatic, and industrial. Applications covered in the study include electric vehicles (EV)/hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), motors, rail tractions, wind turbines, and photovoltaic equipment. Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and LAMEA. Key players operating in the market include Texas Instruments Incorporated, Star Automations, DyDac Controls, SEMIKRON, IXYS Corporation, Infineon Technologies AG, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Key Benefits
- The study provides an in-depth analysis of the power module packaging market, with current and future trends to elucidate the imminent investment pockets.
- It elucidates information about the key drivers, restraints, and opportunities with a detailed impact analysis.
- Quantitative analysis of the current trends and future estimations is provided to showcase the financial competency of the market.
- Porters Five Forces model analysis of the industry illustrates the potency of the buyers & suppliers participating in the market.
Power Module Packaging Market Report Highlights
Aspects | Details |
By Type |
By Industry Vertical |
By Application |
By Region |
Key Market Players | IXYS Corporation, Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Texas Instruments Incorporated, Star Automations, SanRex Corporation, SEMIKRON, DyDac Controls, Sanken Electric Co., Ltd., Infineon Technologies AG, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
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