Illuminating the ICT & Media Epoch in 2024: An Industry Brief by AMR

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The year 2023 was a dynamic and exciting year for the information and communication technology (ICT) & media sector, as it witnessed several emerging trends and innovations. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as generative AI and natural language processing, played pivotal roles in diverse applications like customer service, marketing automation, software development, and content creation. The Internet of Things (IoT) witnessed extensive growth across industries like transportation, energy, and healthcare, driven by the expanded bandwidth of 5G networks, although cybersecurity challenges demanded more robust solutions.

Now as we enter in 2024, the ICT and media sector is poised for significant advancements and transformations. This industry is driven by technological innovations, regulatory changes, economic factors, and a growing focus on sustainability. Allied Market Research has taken the initiative to furnish a comprehensive brief on the ICT & media industry for 2024. This industry brief explores the key trends and anticipations for the ICT and Media sector, highlighting the areas of 5G technology, edge computing, artificial intelligence, sustainability, and many more.

Tech Horizons: Navigating the Role of Advancements in ICT & Media

In the rapidly evolving landscape of ICT & Media, technological advancements are shaping the industry’s trajectory. The intertwining forces of artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT)are propelling the sector into uncharted territories. These innovations are not merely trends but transformative agents, reshaping how we consume information and entertainment. As we step into the horizon of technology, this exploration delves into the pivotal role these advancements play in defining the future of ICT & Media.

Increased Use of 5G Technology

5G technology is set to revolutionize the ICT industry in 2024. Its widespread adoption will bring lightning-fast connectivity, enabling a new wave of IoT, AI, and edge computing innovations. Industries, such as healthcare will benefit from 5G for remote surgeries and real-time data connectivity. Autonomous vehicles will thrive due to low latency connectivity, and smart cities will advance through interconnected features optimizing energy consumption and public services. The fusion of 5G and IoT will revolutionize manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics through seamless data exchange. Projections indicate that the global 5G technology market is will reach up to $797.80 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 65.8% from 2021 to 2030.

Adoption of Edge Computing

Edge computing is emerging as a revolutionary force in the ICT industry, enabling real-time analytics close to the data source. It facilitates high-speed data processing at the edge of the network, enhancing productivity and reducing reliance on centralized cloud systems. Edge computing integrated with 5G networks leads to innovations in augmented reality, smart infrastructure, and instantaneous decision-making. Industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics are expected to leverage edge computing for IoT applications, optimizing their operations. The global edge computing market is projected to reach $16.557 billion by the end 2025.

Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

AI is set to transform processes and services across industries. AI-powered automation systems will enable intelligent decision-making and increase productivity. The focus will be on adapting AI to nuanced roles, improving human-AI collaboration, and addressing ethical considerations. AI-powered personalized experiences will become common in e-commerce, content recommendation, and healthcare. Automation will reconfigure transportation and manufacturing through AI-robot connectivity for autonomous vehicles, drones, and robotic systems.

Green Horizons: Nurturing Sustainability in the ICT & Media Realm

A profound shift toward sustainability is underway in the ICT & media as it encapsulates the pivotal journey where technology meets eco-consciousness. As the world grapples with environmental challenges, focus on sustainability highlights how the ICT & Media sector is emerging as a beacon for sustainable transformation, steering toward green horizons that harmonize technological progress with environmental stewardship.

Person exhibiting AI insignia alongside financial and data graphics

Focus on Green Technology Adoption

The ICT industry will prioritize sustainability by implementing methods to reduce negative environmental impacts. Energy-efficient hardware, renewable energy sources, and more efficient server systems will be developed. Life cycle analysis and ecological labeling will provide consumers with clear information about the environmental impacts of IT products. Collaboration between technology companies, policymakers, and customers will drive the use of green technologies, leading the industry towards a more sustainable future. It is projected that by 2030, the global green technology and sustainability market will generate a revenue of $74.64 billion.

Growth in Circular Economy Initiatives

Companies in the ICT industry will aim to minimize waste through refurbishment, reuse, and recycling of electronic devices and components. Initiatives will focus on extending product lifecycles, reducing electronic waste, and promoting responsible disposal and recycling practices. Software development companies will extend support and updates for older devices, reducing the need for frequent replacements. The circular economy trend will lead to increased refurbishment and resale of IT assets, reducing e-waste and promoting sustainability.

A Deep Dive into Regulatory and Economic Factors

In ICT & media, understanding the intricate interplay of regulatory frameworks and economic factors is paramount. These critical elements shape the industry's course. From compliance challenges to economic trends, this deep dive offers insights into the forces influencing decision-makers and businesses.

Compliance with Changing Regulations

The ICT industry will need to stay agile to comply with changing regulations, especially in areas such as AI, data privacy, and antitrust standards. Companies must keep up with these changes to avoid penalties and maintain their reputations.

Economic Uncertainties and Market Dynamics

The industry will navigate economic uncertainties, including hardware and software price volatility. Some ICT products might become scarce, leading to delays and delivery challenges. To mitigate disruption risks, companies will need to prioritize building more resilient supply chains through diversification and local sourcing.

Talent Acquisition & Retention

5G network tower symbolizing next-generation connectivity.

Talent acquisition and retention will be a major IT industry focus. Companies will face stiff competition for skilled workers in emerging fields like quantum computing, blockchain, and cybersecurity. To attract and retain talent, companies will offer competitive compensation packages, professional development opportunities, and a positive work-life balance.

What to Anticipate in 2024 Specifically for the Media Sector?

The year 2024 is set to mark a pivotal moment for the media industry, witnessing the transformation of several technologies from mere trends to essential drivers of innovation and revenue generation. Sustainability, cloud computing, virtual production, IP-based workflows, 5G, AI, the metaverse, and security are all poised to redefine the industry landscape.

Virtual Production Studios

In 2024, the media sector will see a surge in virtual production studios, offering not only environmental benefits but also unprecedented convenience and creative opportunities. Experiments and technical developments will culminate in high-quality In-Camera VFX, reshaping how content is produced.

Cloud Computing and AI

Continued dominance of cloud computing and AI will revolutionize workflows, business models, and resource management. The rapidly advancing cloud technology will empower filmmakers with creative freedom, making content creation, sharing, and storage more affordable and efficient.

Security in the Cloud

As reliance on cloud-based content management grows, security becomes paramount. The rise of "zero trust" systems emphasizes rigorous identity verification at every digital interaction stage, bolstering the protection of sensitive content. The global cloud data security market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 18.3% from 2023 to 2032.

IP-Based Workflows for Sustainability

IP-based workflows will firmly establish themselves in 2024 as a sustainable solution for remote and distributed production. The broadcast and live sector's growing commitment to minimizing carbon footprints aligns with the efficiency and eco-friendliness offered by technologies like Software Defined Network (SDN) and IP connections.

ICT integrated within an framework.

5G Transmission Revolution

The evolution of 5G technology and emerging alliances will drive increased interest in 5G transmission. Promising faster connectivity, lower network latency, and innovative network slicing approaches, 5G networks will reshape how media professionals work.

High-Quality Content for 4K Devices

The escalating demand for quality storytelling is fueled by the widespread adoption of 4K TVs and devices. Various sectors, including sports, documentaries, and reality shows, are adapting to deliver richer emotional experiences by producing content natively in 4K or 4K HDR.

Innovative Sensor Technology

Industries such as mapping, construction, and broadcasting are increasingly relying on drones, necessitating compact, versatile, and top-tier sensors. For instance, Sony’s ILX-LR1, the first dedicated B2B camera, exemplifies the innovation in sensor technology.

The Metaverse's Impact

The emerging metaverse is captivating content creators across sectors, driving efforts to monetize and create immersive experiences. Volumetric content and photogrammetry will be instrumental in delivering authentic and valued experiences to users.

Sustainability Takes Center Stage

Sustainability is undeniably becoming a catalyst for change. Viewers' discerning preferences for sustainably produced content are influencing industry practices. As Sony commits to net-zero emissions by 2040, content creators are aligning with eco-conscious goals, paving the way for a greener and more innovative media landscape.

Exploring Trends in Workforce & Labor and Cybersecurity

Skills Reskilling and Upskilling

The IT industry will witness significant changes in skills and reskilling development. Customized training programs will be implemented to meet the growing demand for skills in cutting-edge technologies such as AI, cybersecurity, data science, and cloud computing. Upskilling initiatives will target both technical competencies and critical thinking, problem-solving, and entrepreneurial skills. Continuous improvement and a focus on ecosystem development will play a crucial role in addressing skills gaps.

Integration of Zero Trust Security

Organizations will increasingly adopt Zero Trust security practices for cyber resilience. Zero Trust is a validated strategy that assumes breaches are inevitable and follows a "never trust, always verify" mindset. Companies will focus on building stronger Zero Trust practices to protect against cyber threats.

Rise of AI-Powered Security

AI-driven behavioral analysis will be integrated into cybersecurity measures to identify unusual patterns in user behavior or network activity. AI models will help identify security breaches or threats by analyzing normal behaviors.

The Significance of Customer Value in Business

Personalized Customer Experiences

The ICT industry will continue to prioritize personalized customer experiences. Companies will leverage data analytics and AI to understand customer preferences and deliver tailored solutions. Personalization will be a key differentiator in areas such as e-commerce, media streaming, and digital services.

Ethical Use of Customer Data

With increased data collection and analysis, the industry will face greater scrutiny regarding the ethical use of customer data. Data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will shape how companies handle and protect customer data. Transparency and responsible data practices will be crucial for building trust with customers.

Anticipating the Future

Embarking on a journey into the future of the ICT & Media sector unveils a landscape of endless possibilities. As technological advancements continue to shape the industry, anticipation becomes a powerful lens for forthcoming changes. Anticipating the future is not merely a prediction but an exciting venture into the evolution of technology, media, and the interconnected experiences that lie ahead.

Embracing Change and Fostering Innovation

In 2024, the ICT & media sector will welcome innovation and change as integral components of its progression. Companies that exhibit adaptability and openness to novel concepts are poised for prosperity. This involves not only integrating new technologies but also cultivating an innovative work environment that encourages employees to contribute fresh ideas.

Strategic Partnerships to Take Center Stage

Strategic partnerships will gain increased significance, ranging from collaborations with tech firms for digital solutions to alliances with educational institutions for workforce development. Such partnerships offer a competitive edge, enabling companies to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving ICT & media industry.

Prioritizing Long-term Sustainability

Lastly, a heightened emphasis on long-term sustainability planning will emerge as a focal point. This extends beyond immediate project requirements to assess the broader impact of ICT activities on the environment and society. Companies must formulate sustainability strategies, showcasing their commitment to social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

The Bottom Line: Adapting to the Dynamic ICT & Media Sector in 2024

According to Allied Market Research, the ICT and media sector in 2024 will witness significant advancements driven by 5G technology, edge computing, artificial intelligence, sustainability initiatives, workforce reskilling, cybersecurity measures, regulatory compliance, and a focus on delivering customer value. Companies in this sector need to stay agile, adapt to changing technologies and regulations, and prioritize sustainability and customer-centric approaches to thrive in the evolving landscape of the ICT and Media industry. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and understanding the changing dynamics of the media and entertainment industry, organizations can position themselves for success in this dynamic and competitive landscape. For deeper insights into the ICT & media sector, get in touch with our esteemed analysts.

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