A single-atom transistor is a device that can open and close an electrical circuit by repositioning one single atom in a controlled and reversible manner. A single silver atom is reversibly moved in and out of a tiny junction by applying a small electrical voltage to a control electrode, the so-called gate electrode, closing and opening an electrical contact. This quantum electronics component switches electrical current by controlling the repositioning of a single atom, which is now also solid in a gel electrolyte. The single-atom transistor operates at room temperature and uses very little energy, opening up completely new avenues for information technology. They help in switching an electrical current by relocating individual atoms geometrically rather than changing electronic properties locally as conventional transistors. They are the first demonstration of an all-metal transistor that does not use a semiconductor, with the lack of a band gap allowing operation at very low voltage. They represent quantum switches, with levels between which the switching occurs determined by fundamental quantum mechanics laws. These devices have several advantages, they have extremely nonlinear current-voltage characteristics, which are desirable in many applications, and they can be manufactured using common, abundant, inexpensive, and non-toxic materials. All such factors provide lucrative growth opportunities for single atom transistor market share globally.
The global single atom transistor market is segmented on the basis of component, application, and region. Based on component, the market is divided into nanowire, a single-point impurity (the atom), and external capacitor. In terms of application, the market is categorized into aerospace, education and research, IT, industrial, and others. Geographically, the market is analyzed across several regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, Middle East & Africa (LAMEA).
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The world is in the midst of a major crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has had a significant impact on manufacturing sectors also including universities, schools, government, and business. As universities are also shut down due to lockdown restrictions, the research and development regarding the single atom transistor market growth has also halted. Shutdowns and lack of labor or raw supplies have hindered manufacturing operations. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure or partial closure of companies, enterprises, and educational institutions throughout the world. Other lockdown measures were implemented as well, including strict social distance rules, restricted travel, and limited access to public meeting areas, restaurants, theme parks, movie halls, and malls.
Top Impacting Factors
Tiny technologies have the potential to have a huge impact on the next generation of computers, significantly increasing memory and processing power. The development of transistors and the size of several or even single atoms would be critical to these advancements. The tiny devices could be critical in the creation of qubits, paving the way for next-generation technology. This would increase the need for single atom transistor market size in the coming future. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their colleagues at the University of Maryland have developed a step-by-step recipe for manufacturing the atomic-scale devices. Using these instructions, the NIST-led team became the world's second to build a single-atom transistor and the first to build a series of single electron transistors with atom-scale control over the devices' geometry.
Market Trends
Helpful in Digitization in Industrial Sector
Digitization necessitates a significant increase in energy consumption. Information technology now accounts for more than 10% of total power consumption in developed countries. The transistor is the central component of digital data processing in computing centers, PCs, smartphones, and embedded systems for a wide range of applications ranging from washing machines to aero planes. Several billion transistors are already present in a commercially available low-cost USB memory stick. The single-atom transistor is based on a completely novel technological approach. The transistor is entirely made of metal; no semiconductors are used. As a result, the electric voltages are extremely low, and thus the energy consumption is extremely low. KIT's single-atom transistor has so far used a liquid electrolyte. Thomas Schimmel and his colleagues from KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) have now created a transistor that operates in a solid electrolyte. The gel electrolyte made by gelling an aqueous silver electrolyte with pyrogenic silicon dioxide combines the benefits of a solid with the electrochemical properties of a liquid. The safety and handling of the single-atom transistor are improved as a result.
Key Benefits of the Report
- This study presents the analytical depiction of the single atom transistor market opportunity along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
- The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the single atom transistor market share.
- The single atom transistor market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight single atom transistor market growth scenario.
- Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the single atom transistor market trends.
- The report provides a detailed single atom transistor market analysis based on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years
Questions Answered in Single Atom Transistor Market Report
- What are the leading market players active in the single atom transistor market?
- What are the current trends that will influence the market in the next few years?
- What are the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities in the single atom transistor market forecast period?
- What are the projections for the future would help in taking further strategic steps?
- Upcoming Report Specific FAQs Examples:
- What is single atom transistor?
- What does single atom transistor allow organizations to achieve?
- Which technologies combine to make single atom transistor a critical organizational asset?
- What are the key benefits of the single atom transistor market report?
- Which niches should companies associated with recent improvements establish a presence in?
Single Atom Transistor Market Report Highlights
Aspects | Details |
By Component |
By Application |
By Region |
Key Market Players | National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
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