Solid state drives (SSD) are data storage devices used to store virtual data through integrated circuits, unlike conventional input and output blocks. A plethora of advantages, such as phenomenal speed, compact design, and low power consumption have widened the scope of applications for solid state drives in hand held devices such as laptops, Smartphone etc. Furthermore, the attribute of low heat generation increases the lifespan of the servers used in enterprise solutions such as big data. Despite the many benefits of the solid state drive, it sometimes consumes more power than the ideal power provided by the system to the hard drive. Furthermore, the high up gradation cost of solid state drives and unavailability of large-sized SSD model are hindering the market growth.
The leading manufacturers of solid state drives are Fusion-io, IBM, HGST, OCZ, SanDisk, Violin Memory, Seagate, Cisco, A3CUBE and PLX Technology. The global solid state drives market is broadly classified into application, end users and geography. SSD application market comprises of Enterprise Storage, Networking, Server Mobile, Client Storage, Client Computing and Others. Client computing and storage are expected to be the highest revenue generating market due to the high demand for large data storage. The global SSD end users market is segmented into Graphics and consumers, Networking organizations and Business Enterprises. Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and LAMEA.
- Market projections are made for the next eight years by considering 2013 as the base year
- Porter’s Five Forces and SWOT analysis would illustrate the potency of buyers and suppliers in the market and thereby help in making strategic decisions
- Analysis of key market players and strategies adopted by them would provide deep dive intelligence on the top contenders in the market
- Identification of key investment pockets in the solid state drives market would aid stakeholders in their decision-making
Solid State Drives Market Report Highlights
Aspects | Details |
By Interface |
By Form Factor |
By Technology |
By Storage |
By Usage Type |
By Region |
Key Market Players | ViolinMemory, Microsemi, Adata, NetApp, Samsung, BitmicroNetworks, Mushkin, Toshiba(Japan),Kingston, Intel, SKhynix, Seagate, CorsairComponents, WesternDigital, LexarMedia, Crossbar, Lite-On, G.Skill, Micron, Viking |
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